I can now write the words I've been longing to say for the past 18 months: President Obama. PresidentObamaPresidentObamaPresidentObama. Feels pretty good, doesn't it?
In case you missed the local news coverage of Inauguration Day events and celebrations, Seacoast for Change got a nice write-up (with photo) in the Portsmouth Herald in Wednesday's paper, and an Associated Press article about the Music Hall event appeared in several New England newspapers. The Portsmouth Herald also covered the Music Hall broadcast, interviewed locals who attended a community viewing in Exeter, and reported on the Leftist Marching Band's packed-to-capacity "End of an Error" Bash at the Press Room. Foster's covered the inauguration broadcast at the Portsmouth Library (see photo of Seacoast for Change volunteer Andy Kaplan), and ran a great story on Tuesday evening's community gathering at New Hope Baptist Church.