Event organizers had a packed house for last week's Public Forum on Community Health & Health Care Reform at the Portsmouth Public Library (Wednesday, July 29, 2009). The forum was organized by Change That Works/NH for Health Care and Seacoast for Change in collaboration with Organizing for America NH and South Church UU Outreach Associates.
The evening program featured a presentation by Wendy Frosh on national trends in health care costs and access, an update on legislative developments by Lisa Kaplan Howe of NH Voices fro Health, and panel presentations by Rich DiPentima, Helen Taft of Families First Community Health Center, small business owner Meredith Stolper, and Catherine DiPentima on the urgent need for health care reform from her perspective as a health care provider.
The panel and question & answer session were adroitly moderated by Rich DiPentima. The final half-hour of the forum was dedicated to a call to action, with organizers from Seacoast for Change, Change That Works, and Organizing for America NH describing the activities of local campaigns to win affordable, quality health care for all and next steps for action.